Items marked "In stock" are shipped:
- ordered by 10:00 on the same day
- ordered after 10:00 the next day

Payment method

Credit card / Debit card

The fastest and safest way of internet payment. Payment is processed with a system, trusted and recommended by Visa and MasterCard. You get an order confirmation e-mail, after payment was verified by your credit card provider. All credit card / debit card payments will be administered by GOPAY s.r.o. which is an official partner of VISA and MasterCard. Your data will be absolutely secure under a SSL coding of GOPAY s.r.o.. For more information, visit .

Bank transfer

After your order is finished, you get an order confirmation e-mail with our bank data. Please transfer the total order amount in Euro to our bank account. Enter your order number in the field payment reference / reason for payment.